The motivation for my adventures is to be my best in the most impactful way possible.
The motivation for my adventures is to be my best in the most impact-full way possible.
All my challenges and adventures are born out of a desire to elevate the current belief of what’s possible: We can be more than our current circumstances, yet this is only achieved through action.
We are at a point of immense significance. This is the tipping point for the health of our communities, our humanity and the planet we call home. We need to start thinking – and doing – differently to before.
My challenges raise awareness of and, hopefully, positively contribute to our global health. I’d love for you to get involved too.
A plant-based world record cyclist (me!) goes on a cycle tour of Britain to discover if there is a way to save the planet without being so extreme.
- 3 months.
- 3,000 miles cycled.
- 30 projects & initiatives visited.
- 3,000 trees planted.

On Monday 5th June 2023, I will leave London on a hand-made bamboo bike ...
… with the sole mission of discovering how we can accelerate the healing of earth.
I’ll be exploring diverse projects around six core themes:
Nature, Food, Travel, Fashion, Home (inc. energy) and Fun (inc. sport).
I’m currently seeking partners, companies, sponsors and supporters to help develop this project.
If you are a purpose-driven company measuring impact, not just profit, then I’d love to speak with you about us working together.
I’m looking for companies who want more than a traditional ‘sponsorship’ partnership (i.e. purely financial), I’d love to become an ambassador where I champion what you offer, as well as you supporting my activities too.
Some unique benefits of collaborating with me:
- Be featured in a documentary we are creating around my challenges
- Noted as a supporter to my book being published
- Regular and broad visibility of your brand in all that I do (from social media posts to regularly speaking at events and on podcasts)
- Be part of online events and summits during my challenges as well as at other key times of the year, with 000,000s of views
- Offer my Leadership Coaching services to your team members
- Be a Guest Speaker for your events
And, of course there’s also the usual benefits:
- Association with the brands Kate Strong and respective Challenges
- A strong platform to echo your corporate values of equal opportunity and redefining what’s possible for leaders
- Long brand exposure, partnership and involvement
- Logo exposure on website & core equipment
- Social media posts on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn
Send me an email to receive more information and also to set up a call: