Welcome to my coaching services

Enjoying who & where we are is more important than what we have: this is the definition of success & happiness

Elevate Your Potential with Bespoke 1-on-1 Coaching

If you’re looking to take a more personalised and intensive approach to your personal and professional development, my bespoke 1-on-1 coaching sessions are designed to help you break through barriers and elevate your life to new heights.

This exclusive offering goes beyond the collective journey of the Tarassaco Tribe, providing you with individualised attention and tailored strategies that meet your unique needs and aspirations.

Why Choose Bespoke Coaching?

Choosing a coach isn’t just about finding guidance; it’s about selecting a mentor who has already transcended the level of excuses and limitations that you are currently facing.

I have navigated through immense physical, emotional, and intellectual challenges to create a life of purpose and achievement. Now, I am here to hold a space for you that is expansive enough to contain your potential growth and transformation.

What I Offer

Tailored Guidance

Your goals are unique, and your coaching should be too. My approach is to craft personalized strategies that align with your specific aspirations and challenges.


With bespoke coaching, I provide a level of accountability that ensures you are not only committed but also consistently progressing towards your goals.

Deep Dive

We will delve into the depths of what drives you, uncovering and addressing any underlying issues that may be hindering your growth.

Advanced Strategies

Leverage advanced techniques and insights that I have developed from years of pushing my own boundaries. These are tailored to catapult you beyond everyday hurdles.


Transformative Outcomes

Imagine overcoming your deepest fears and surpassing your ingrained limits. Through 1-on-1 coaching, you will:

  • Gain Clarity: Cut through the noise and confusion to find clear, actionable paths forward.
  • Boost Resilience: Develop the toughness needed to face life’s challenges head-on without losing your drive.
  • Elevate Leadership: Enhance your influence and effectiveness in leading others by first leading yourself with integrity and example.
  • Achieve Breakthroughs: Reach and surpass milestones that once seemed out of reach, achieving not just success but a higher state of fulfillment.

Secure Your Space:

My bespoke coaching slots are limited because I am committed to providing an intensive, high-engagement experience for each individual I work with. This is more than a coaching session; it is an investment in your future.

Sign up now for a consultation and start your journey towards a higher self.

Invest in yourself with a coach who has not only envisioned but lived a life beyond the common excuses. Let me hold that bigger space for you, guiding you to grow into the person you are meant to be. Welcome to a new chapter in your life, where your growth is unlimited and your potential is just beginning to show its true colors.


other services offered

Kate has experienced both the highs of achieving a goal and the ‘darkness’ that can follow success. She authentically and compassionately supports others to transform negative situations into positive actions with rewarding results.



Change begins with the choices we make today. Your values shape your motivation, and your motivation drives your actions. Work with me to cultivate a new perspective and achieve meaningful growth.

Explore personalised coaching or become part of our supportive community group. I’m here to help guide you towards being your best self, in an environment focused on real progress and genuine support.