E84: Why We Need to Fail & Communicate Authentically with Kass Thomas

The depth and range of Kass Thomas’ career experiences inspires people to explore more choices and find the changes they are looking for. A best-selling author and successful entrepreneur, Kass guides others to transform the negative into positive, even in limiting situations. She is a catalyst for unity and believes there is so much more that unites us than separates us.

She wrote her book, “7 Steps to Flawless Communication”, which has been translated into 20 languages, to help people uncover a true connection with themselves as well as other people and things around them.

In the podcast we use sport as a simple analogy for growing businesses, such as how the affects of missing a training session can be compared to neglecting an important area of your business.  Simplifying things and taking a step back is key.

Among the many colourful twists and turns of her career, she opened a film production company in Italy.  Kass felt the constant pressure to keep going, even though she didn’t find it enjoyable, relaxing or fun after the initial opening.  It was only once she disconnected and realised this that she had the clarity and confidence to make the decision to close the business.  The moment she did that her career expanded. Several opportunities came into her life, which including becoming an international sales manager!  Should she have carried on running a business she didn’t love, these opportunities wouldn’t have presented themselves.

“A ‘flag’ doesn’t mean there’s a risk that is going to cause failure. It might be an alarm
 saying, “do you want to approach your career in a different way?”

We discuss that everyone else is taken, so rather than competing, instead discover and embrace the true you.  We often create our own barriers and hurdles which aren’t really there. These barriers mean when things find us they can’t reach us.  Will resistance create more in your life? Instead, step up, be true and be the best version of you today, and tomorrow an even better version of you.

We contemplate the value of being still and giving your mind a moment of silence.  Kass says “People feel if they’re not continually doing, doing, doing that they might get bored.” It might instead be that you’re not actually taking another step because you’re fine right where you are.  You should disconnect from who you are not.

Language is a funny thing.  When we have barriers up sometimes we receive words in a negative way.  We discuss language and Kass points out that after the Second World War, dictionaries were rewritten to be more positive.  All words have an energy to them and being open to receiving words in a positive way

rather than a negative one is imperative in moving forwards.  Nuances are so important.

One of the biggest things I took from this podcast is that it is ok, and positive even, to fail.  Your failures can make you wise!  We should “know what when something shows up as a failure, it’s probably an invitation for you to begin engaging with the riches of your life.”


Timestamps & notes:

  • 2:14 – all magic cast
  • 2:33 – why communication so important when addressing changes wish to make
  • 4:17 – What is the unique brand of magic that you have?
  • 5:35 – Step up and be best version of you today, and tomorrow an even better version of you and you can’t compete with someone else
  • 11:55 – perceive things in different ways/misunderstand and the 7 steps to effective communication programme
  • 16:57 – Value in being still
  • 22:14 – vision board is only what our mind has already seen/imagines
  • 29:18 – all words have an energy to them
  • 35:57 – words channel us into a structured understanding of what someone is staying
  • 38:38 – after exercise in a relaxed state mentally that allows you to see things from a different perspective
  • 41:24 – what stops you from letting people or things into your life
  • 52:03 – Know what when something shows up as a failure, it’s probably an invitation for you to begin engaging with the riches of your life


To learn more about Kass Thomas visit, www.kassthomas.com

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