Change behaviour

Theme: Home-based projects
Company/charity name: Centre for Behaviour Change
Where: Bangor, Wales
When: Fri 14 July 2023

Why this project is important

Mindset and changed behaviour are crucial when aiming for tangible results in addressing climate change. Our mindset determines our perception of the problem and shapes our approach to finding solutions.

By adopting a proactive mindset, we acknowledge the severity of the climate crisis and recognise our responsibility to act. It enables us to embrace a sense of urgency and develop a long-term perspective, understanding that individual actions can create a ripple effect of positive change. However, a mindset alone is insufficient; we must translate our intentions into action.

Yet, there appears to be a disconnect. 85% of Britons are concerned about climate change… and yet only 45% of households recycle (to share just one statistic that conflicts with the concern).

If we know that by aligning our behaviour with our climate-conscious mindset, we become active agents in combating climate change and contribute to the collective effort needed to preserve our planet for future generations, why aren’t we doing it?

Why Meet a Professor?

I know what I know, and I know what I don’t know. Yet, we all have blind spots and I am meeting an expert in change behaviour to better understand why I still do things I know are ‘bad’ for my health and the planet (such as fly, drink alcohol, etc. …)

Project Sponsors & Supporters