master composting

Theme: Home projects & Food projects
Company/charity name: Norfolk CC Master Composters
Where: Norwich
When: Wed 7 June 2023

Why this project is important

Food waste is the term used to describe edible food that is discarded. This ‘discarding’ can happen at any point in the food supply chain; from farming, manufacturing, distribution and at our home after we’ve purchased the food.

Shockingly, approximately one third of the world’s food is wasted. In the UK, around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste was produced in 2018, with some of this waste being repurposed for pet food, compost, energy production, but most of it was simply dumped in landfill. Alarmingly, more food ends up in landfill than any other type of waste material (70%), and bread, milk, and potatoes are among the most commonly wasted foods in the country.

Unfortunately, food waste in landfill is not only wasteful of resources and energy, but it also emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

What does Norfolk CC offer to help?

Norfolk Master Composters started in November 2006.  The main aim of the programme is to raise awareness amongst the wider public of the benefits of composting, through a network of volunteer advisors.

Since its inception, 284 trained volunteers have spent over 10,000 hours promoting home composting in the county.

Master Composters promote composting in a variety of ways.  This could include giving a demonstration to a next–door neighbour or friend, giving a presentation at a local school, giving a talk to a local community group, writing articles for the local paper, parish magazine or newsletter, attending an event with a display or helping establish a community/village composting scheme.


What can i do to get involved

We can help reduce the dependency on landfill sites that not only benefits our environment, but also reduces personal household food costs too.

  1. Reduce the amount of food you buy. If you can, shop more frequently and buy less items. There’s less chance you’ll have wasted food
  2. Think twice before you throw away. “Best before” labels are suggestions. Look, smell & even taste a bit of the food and see if the food is still good to eat
  3. Contact your local council to find out any composting schemes and initiatives running in your area

For Norfolk residents, anyone over the age of 18 can become a Master Composter; you don’t need to be a composter already or have any volunteer or community group experience. As a volunteer you will receive free training in home composting and related environmental issues provided by Garden Organic (formerly HDRA). Becoming a Master Composter is a great way to meet new people, learn valuable skills, and benefit from being part of a team that makes a difference. If you are interested in attending the training course and becoming a Master Composter email or call us on 0344 800 8020.

Norfolk Master Composters & training

Read more about our food surplus from WRAP

How to compost article from Royal Horticultural Society

Take part in Stop Food Waste Day (26 April)

Project Sponsors & Supporters

Kate Strong
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