E63: How code can help save an orca with Gracie Ermi

Growing up, Gracie Ermi never saw herself as a ā€œtech geekā€, yet after one of her teachers suggested she look into coding, a whole new world opened up for her.

Today, Gracie builds technology platforms to support the research of endangered animals like sharks, elephants, and killer whales.

Working at Vulcan Inc.Ā in Seattle, she builds machine learning technology – training computers to do the most tedious aspects of conservation work so that experts can focus on more important tasks.

As an American Association for the Advancement of Science IF/THEN Ambassador, Gracie shares her story to inspire people, especially women and girls, to pursue computer science as an avenue to make a change in their communities and around the world.

In her free time, Gracie loves knitting, spending time with family and friends, cheering on the Seattle Seahawks, and getting outside in the incredible Pacific Northwest.


Timestamp for talk:

  • 1:50 – Gracie talks about her journey to computer science and science
  • 4:50 – Gracie talks about how there werenā€™t many females in class and how she overcame it
  • 7:43 – Gracie talks about how the world of wildlife and computer science relates
  • 9:56 – Gracie highlights how she can teach children that coding helps with different passions
  • 10:46 – Gracie talks about being a STEM ambassador
  • 15:50 – Gracie talks about the support and impact of learning about technology from her parents
  • 18:46 – Gracie talks more about her research
  • 23:01 – Gracie gives advice about starting coding


Any links discussed:

Gracie’s Instagram

Gracie’s Twitter