sea level rise

Theme: Home-project & Nature-based project
Where: National

Why this project is important

Sea level rise is a serious threat facing coastal communities around the world, and Britain is no exception. According to recent predictions, many areas of our coast are at risk of disappearing underwater in the coming decades.
One tool that provides a stark visualisation of this threat is the interactive map developed by One Home. This map shows how sea level rise could affect specific locations along the English coast, and the results are alarming.
For example, the map predicts that by 2050, parts of cities like Bristol, Hull, and Liverpool could be at risk of flooding due to sea level rise. In addition, popular coastal tourist destinations such as Blackpool, Brighton, and Scarborough are also shown to be at risk of disappearing underwater in the future.
This information should serve as a wake-up call to individuals, businesses, and governments alike.


It’s clear that urgent action is needed to address the causes of sea level rise and to protect vulnerable communities from its impacts. This may involve reducing greenhouse gas emissions, implementing coastal protection measures, and promoting sustainable land use practices.
sea level rise UK
To prevent or mitigate the effects of sea level rise, various plans have been proposed and implemented. For example, some cities are building flood defenses and sea walls, while others are creating new wetlands and green spaces to absorb excess water. Additionally, efforts are being made to reduce carbon emissions and slow down the rate of global warming, which is one of the leading causes of sea level rise.
It’s important to take action to address sea level rise and its impacts, both at the individual and government level. By understanding which areas are at risk and implementing proactive measures, we can work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for ourselves and future generations.

What can i do to get involved

As a British resident, there are several actions we can take to help reduce the risk of sea level rise:

  1. Reduce our carbon footprint: One of the main drivers of sea level rise is the warming of the planet due to greenhouse gas emissions. By reducing our carbon footprint, we can help slow down the rate of sea level rise. We can do this by driving less, using public transport or cycling, using energy-efficient appliances, and reducing our consumption of meat and dairy.

  2. Support renewable energy: Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power emit fewer greenhouse gases than fossil fuels. Supporting the development of renewable energy infrastructure in the UK can help reduce carbon emissions and slow down the rate of sea level rise.

  3. Protect wetlands and mangroves: Wetlands and mangroves act as natural buffers against coastal erosion and flooding. By supporting conservation efforts to protect these habitats, you can help reduce the impact of sea level rise on coastal communities.

  4. Use water wisely: Although sea level rise is caused by global factors, it can still have a significant impact on local water systems. By using water wisely, you can help reduce stress on local water supplies and ensure that water is available when it’s needed.

  5. Support local adaptation efforts: Finally, supporting local efforts to adapt to sea level rise can help reduce the impact of rising seas on communities. This can include initiatives like building sea walls, creating green spaces that can absorb water, and improving drainage systems.

One Home interactive coastal map

Climate Central impact map with different variables

Sign Plant-Based Treaty to reduce land & GHG impact

Protect British Wetlands with Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust

Project Sponsors & Supporters

Kate Strong
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